Red team final_2024_Jesus Miguel Adrian Matos/ with {}: Loading agent team: /gpfs/home/scalo/pacman-eutopia-second-round/src/final_2024_Jesus Miguel Adrian Matos/ Arguments: {} Blue team final_2024_GoodEnough/ with {}: Loading agent team: /gpfs/home/scalo/pacman-eutopia-second-round/src/final_2024_GoodEnough/ Arguments: {} 1 {'display': , 'red_team_name': 'Jesus Miguel Adrian Matos', 'blue_team_name': 'GoodEnough', 'agents': [, , , ], 'layouts': [], 'length': 1200, 'num_games': 1, 'num_training': 0, 'record': True, 'catch_exceptions': True, 'delay_step': 0.03, 'match_id': 20840, 'contest_name': 'final_2024'} Blue team starts Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gpfs/home/scalo/pacman-eutopia-second-round/pacman-contest/src/contest/", line 725, in run self.state = self.state.generate_successor(agent_index, action) File "/gpfs/home/scalo/pacman-eutopia-second-round/pacman-contest/src/contest/", line 117, in generate_successor AgentRules.apply_action(state, action, agent_index) File "/gpfs/home/scalo/pacman-eutopia-second-round/pacman-contest/src/contest/", line 468, in apply_action raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action)) Exception: Illegal action None Red agent crashed recorded Total Time Game: 25.0